
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /******************************************************************************
00002  *
00003  * $Id: doxygen.h,v 1.39 2001/03/19 19:27:40 root Exp $
00004  *
00005  *
00006  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
00007  *
00008  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
00009  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
00010  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
00011  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
00012  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
00015  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
00016  *
00017  */
00019 #ifndef DOXYGEN_H
00020 #define DOXYGEN_H
00022 #include "qtbc.h"
00023 #include <qtextstream.h>
00024 #include <qdatetime.h>
00025 #include <qcache.h>
00026 #include "groupdef.h"
00027 #include "filedef.h"
00028 #include "classdef.h"
00029 #include "memberdef.h"
00030 #include "classlist.h"
00031 #include "membername.h"
00032 #include "filename.h"
00033 #include "namespacedef.h"
00034 #include "formula.h"
00035 #include "section.h"
00036 #include "membergroup.h"
00037 #include "reflist.h"
00038 #include "dirdef.h"
00039 #include "index.h"
00040 #include "docsets.h"
00042 class PageSList;
00043 class PageSDict;
00044 class PageDef;
00045 class SearchIndex;
00046 class DirDef;
00047 class ParserManager;
00048 class ObjCache;
00049 class Store;
00050 class QFileInfo;
00051 class BufStr;
00053 typedef QList<QCString>    StringList;
00054 typedef QDict<FileDef>     FileDict;
00055 typedef QDict<GroupDef>    GroupDict;
00057 class StringDict : public QDict<QCString>
00058 {
00059   public: 
00060     StringDict(uint size=17) : QDict<QCString>(size) {}
00061     virtual ~StringDict() {}
00062 };
00064 struct LookupInfo
00065 {
00066   LookupInfo() : classDef(0), typeDef(0) {}
00067   LookupInfo(ClassDef *cd,MemberDef *td,QCString ts,QCString rt) 
00068     : classDef(cd), typeDef(td), templSpec(ts),resolvedType(rt) {}
00069   ClassDef  *classDef;
00070   MemberDef *typeDef;
00071   QCString   templSpec;
00072   QCString   resolvedType;
00073 };
00075 extern QCString spaces;
00081 class Doxygen
00082 {
00083   public:
00084     static ClassSDict               *classSDict;
00085     static ClassSDict               *hiddenClasses;
00086     static PageSDict                *exampleSDict;
00087     static PageSDict                *pageSDict;
00088     static PageDef                  *mainPage;
00089     static bool                      insideMainPage;
00090     static FileNameDict             *includeNameDict;
00091     static FileNameDict             *exampleNameDict;
00092     static FileNameDict             *inputNameDict;
00093     static FileNameList             *inputNameList;
00094     static FileNameDict             *imageNameDict;
00095     static FileNameDict             *dotFileNameDict;
00096     static QStrList                  tagfileList;
00097     static MemberNameSDict          *memberNameSDict;
00098     static MemberNameSDict          *functionNameSDict;
00099     static QTextStream               tagFile;
00100     static SectionDict               sectionDict;
00101     static StringDict                namespaceAliasDict;
00102     static GroupSDict               *groupSDict;
00103     static NamespaceSDict           *namespaceSDict;
00104     static FormulaList               formulaList;
00105     static FormulaDict               formulaDict;
00106     static FormulaDict               formulaNameDict;
00107     static StringDict                tagDestinationDict; 
00108     static StringDict                aliasDict; 
00109     static QIntDict<MemberGroupInfo> memGrpInfoDict;
00110     static QDict<void>               expandAsDefinedDict;
00111     static NamespaceDef             *globalScope;
00112     static QDict<RefList>           *xrefLists; // array of xref lists: todo, test, bug, deprecated ...
00113     static QCString                  htmlFileExtension;
00114     static bool                      parseSourcesNeeded;
00115     static double                    sysElapsedTime;
00116     static QTime                     runningTime;
00117     static SearchIndex              *searchIndex;
00118     static QDict<DefinitionIntf>    *symbolMap;
00119     static bool                      outputToWizard;
00120     static QDict<int>               *htmlDirMap;
00121     static QCache<LookupInfo>        lookupCache;
00122     static DirSDict                 *directories;
00123     static SDict<DirRelation>        dirRelations;
00124     static ParserManager            *parserManager;
00125     static bool                      suppressDocWarnings;
00126     static ObjCache                 *symbolCache;
00127     static Store                    *symbolStorage;
00128     static QCString                  objDBFileName;
00129     static QCString                  entryDBFileName;
00130     static bool                      gatherDefines;
00131     static bool                      userComments;
00132     static IndexList                 indexList;
00133 };
00135 void initDoxygen();
00136 void readConfiguration(int argc, char **argv);
00137 void checkConfiguration();
00138 void parseInput();
00139 void generateOutput();
00140 void readAliases();
00141 void readFormulaRepository();
00142 int readFileOrDirectory(const char *s,
00143                         FileNameList *fnList,
00144                         FileNameDict *fnDict,
00145                         StringDict *exclDict,
00146                         QStrList *patList,
00147                         QStrList *exclPatList,
00148                         StringList *resultList,
00149                         StringDict *resultDict,
00150                         bool recursive,
00151                         bool errorIfNotExist=TRUE,
00152                         QDict<void> *killDict = 0
00153                        );
00154 int readDir(QFileInfo *fi,
00155             FileNameList *fnList,
00156             FileNameDict *fnDict,
00157             StringDict  *exclDict,
00158             QStrList *patList,
00159             QStrList *exclPatList,
00160             StringList *resultList,
00161             StringDict *resultDict,
00162             bool errorIfNotExist,
00163             bool recursive,
00164             QDict<void> *killDict
00165            );
00166 void copyAndFilterFile(const char *fileName,BufStr &dest);
00168 #define NEWMATCH
00170 #endif

Generated on Mon Mar 31 10:58:37 2008 by  doxygen 1.5.1